Throwing a Big Party in a Small Yard
One of the best things about summer is the ability to gather outdoors with friends and families. However, for those with small yards and a large number of family or friends, hosting a summer bash can present some significant logistical problems. Before scrapping the party plans or limiting the guest list, consider the following ways to maximize the space.
The Grill
Choose a smaller grill so it can be moved out of the way once everyone has eaten. There’s a wealth of small, compact grills on the market that operate with charcoal, gas and electric. Individuals can also choose from tabletop grills and there are even convertible models that transform from a traditional upright grill to a hibachi.
Multiple Tables
Separate the food from the beverages on separate tables, each in its own space. It prevents guests from crowding around a single place and evens out the foot traffic. Instead of trying to offer a full bar, consider a single beverage that can be served in a pitcher and made prior to the event.
Forget lawn chairs in small spaces. The modern way to provide seating is through stackable stools. They’re inexpensive, require less room, and can be pressed into service as a small table when needed. Establish seating areas on the perimeter of the party area. It’s a method that enhances the flow and ebb of foot traffic and leaves room for guests to mingle in the middle.
Fire Pits
Rather than try to control a bonfire, which may be illegal in urban settings anyway, consider a fire pit. They’re available in multiple styles and sizes to fit any deck or patio, including portable models. Some are even equipped with protective glass. It’s an important safety feature if alcohol is being served, someone imbibes too much, and becomes tipsy and unsteady.
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