Your Child’s Safety and Social Media
Before You Take Your Child’s Pic and Post on Social, Read This!
Whether your child is a teenager or still a toddler, there’s always going to be warnings when it comes to social media. After watching the Rossen Report and “Digital Kidnapping,” we thought it would be a good idea to add a few more items. Please share this article with your friends and family to help become more aware of posting your favorite kid pictures to your location to help prevent danger.
While we spend multiple hours online posting our latest pictures to share with our friends and family, there’s a word of caution. We need to all be aware of what we are posting and who has access to our content. One of the points in the report mentioned above was to keep all your children’s pics off places such as the Facebook banner. If you’re not aware of that section, it’s the big giant block at the top. That along with the little thumbprint where your avatar goes are always public leaving your child’s pictures free for anyone to take and re-use. While this post isn’t meant to frighten anyone, it’s still helpful to know leading to safe decisions.
Also, Jeff Rosen suggests turning off your cell phone’s camera location to avoid the GPS from picking up where you live or frequent. Social Media channels all have a geo-locator installed, and when using these features, you are creating vulnerability. Although this information may seem redundant, it makes perfect sense for those who aren’t assuming your cell phone is working against them. Nonetheless, the advice is excellent, and one everybody should follow.
Next, this information wasn’t in the report, but an announcement needs to be made. If your kids are in a school where they have uniforms or t-shirts, be aware when posting your photos. These can be clues for predators who can easily track where your child is attending school. We would even suggest when there are school outings, not to wear uniforms or anything that has the educational facility displayed. Parents teachers and students need to be conscious of the hints they may be handing out.
Besides precautions needed to keep our children safe, a solution social media user can create is group pages or event pages where participants must be accepted. You can even go as far as creating specific questions that can be screened to ensure; you’re allowing the right followers. While this method may take a minute, it’s worth the time.
In closing, you can help prevent social media kidnapping by following some simple steps such as what we outlined here. But, we encourage everyone to read the Rossen Report, (link provided below) to become familiar with some Best Policy Practices for both you and your child.
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