Dealing with the After-Holiday Blah’s
The season has come and gone and now everyone who is blasé with vacations, toys, sweets, etc., is now looking for anything to say those horrific words “I’m bored.” As a parent, these words muttered together with that sniveling whine can make you quiver with angst. What do you do? We’ve got the answers right here in this week’s blog.
Hint, Hint: (of course, we’re not going to tell you to rent a bounce house or anything until the end, where you’ll be looking to put us on speed dial)
There are a million, gazillion, trillion answers online. By visiting places like Pinterest and Parenting Magazine, you can find a ton of great games, projects or whatever else floats your kid’s boat. Here’s a one we found ideal for staying home.
The Fizzy Candy Cane Experiment is totally awesome and a great way to rid your children of cavities. Plus, it’s a science project, so it’s okay. You’ll need the following to conduct the process:
- Leftover Candy Canes
- 1 Box Baking Soda
- 1 Bottle Vinegar
- Any Color Food Coloring
- A baking pan that’s deep
- Measuring Cup
- Spoons
Follow these steps:
- Spread all the baking soda out on the sheet.
- Place Candy Canes on top of the baking soda and try to spread them out evenly.
- Mix food coloring with a cup of vinegar.
- With a spoon have each child drop vinegar mixture onto the baking soda in the pan.
If all goes well, there’s going to be a lot of fizz and the colors from the food coloring plus whatever dye is in the candy canes will create beautiful designs of foamy color. If you didn’t like the idea of this project, let’s move onto the next.
Another idea to keep in your boredom briefcase is local activities online.
- Take your kids to an outdoor yoga camp for a day.
- You can do a Google Alert for free events in South Florida or Coral Springs.
- Consider visiting one of the many museums in South Florida. Check to see if they have any days open to free admittance for kids.