Staycation or Vacation?
Honestly, you need a break! After all that hard work and making that money, you deserve a break. The first and most natural thought when you want to take a break is a vacation to a land far away from your ordinary life. A city that is at least an hour or more’s drive or flight away. However, did you ever consider that taking a staycation would do you better than a vacation? We have compiled some benefits of having a staycation over a vacation, and let you make the decision for yourself.
- No packing!
The worst part about getting ready for a vacation is packing everything you need into a decent sized piece of luggage. This includes fitting your shampoos and shower gels into airport appropriate containers. So much stress getting ready to distress, don’t you think? A staycation will not need you to pack anything away since you will be staying put!
- A chance to explore your town
So, you have lived and worked in your town for a good number of years, but have you ever really explored all the nooks and crannies of your town? If you are a foodie, a staycation is the perfect opportunity to explore all the restaurants that you have never had time to visit thanks to your tight work schedule. How about all those picnic spots, amusement parks for the kids and basically just enjoying your town without thinking about work?
- Save that money
Vacationing included expenses such as flights, hotel boarding and lodging, taxi fares for a new town, car hire fees and just so much spending! When you staycation, you get to stay in your house and eliminate the need to pay for flights or any hotel costs. Furthermore, your food and drinks costs will be lower since you can choose to eat in some nights.
- Avoid travel stress
Travelling comes with its fair share of stress. From planning for air tickets, paying for hotel rooms, rushing around in a foreign airport searching for your boarding gate, to lugging around heavy bags and the incidence of lost bags; all these are aspects that you avoid when you staycation. Why stress out in your quest to de-stress?
- No need for prior planning
When need to take a vacation, you need to make lots of prior planning to make the most of your vacation days. You cannot afford to leave the days empty and hope for a spontaneous day of fun. However, when you staycation, the need for planning is thrown out the window. You can decide to go out to dinner 10 minutes before dinner. The beauty of spontaneity is best captured on a staycation.
- You can include your pet
This should be the number one reason why staycationing beats vacationing any day. Forget about planning for a pet-sitter and then spending your entire vacation worrying about your treasured pet. Skip the travel and enjoy some time at home with that fantastic animal companion of yours.
If these reasons why you should staycation do not work for you, then you probably need just one more vacation before your first staycation.
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