Holiday Games and Crafts
The holiday season is always one where traditions are passed along to the next generation. This year, cut out the electronics and television, gather everyone around and introduce them to a few new holiday games you kids will love playing year-round.
Despite the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ here are a few different games you can play during the holiday season:
Jingle Bell Toss is one that combines skill and technique and requires the following materials:
- Multi-colored Jingle Bells
- Plastic Beverage Cups
- Cutting board or flat surface that can be raised
1st set up the plastic drinking cups with two under the board to create a 60-degree angle allowing the back of the cups to be slightly elevated. Each player gets up to 5-Jingle Bells and stands 2-3 feet away from the board with cups. Taking turns, the player tosses the jingle-bells underhand into the cup trying to get the bells in and score a point. The winner with the most points after 15-rounds wins! The game is an easy game for ages 5+ and can be played with minimum materials as well as the mess.
Next game is one where a camera is required and can become the highlight of any holiday party young or old. What you’ll need:
- Crepe Paper Streamers
- Holiday Bows with Sticky tape
- Tape
- Blind-fold
You will need to select two players at a time to compete with others to win. The blindfold is placed on the first person, the second person spins the person around and using the streamers and bows wrapping the person while they rotate around the room. The person who has decorations on them will be full of surprises while the rest of the family gets a huge festive laugh! Lots of fun and can keep any party alive.
The last game is ultra-simple and can help create multiple laughter. What you’ll need:
- White Paper Plates
- Black Magic Markers
With this simple and exciting game, you have the contestants hold the paper plate to the top of their head. Using the magic marker, coach the players to draw a snowman or Christmas Tree on the paper plate.
These are just a few games to help keep your holiday season bright and cheery.
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