8 Ways to Replace Your Kids Devices
Are you worried that your children are spending too much time playing computers games, or staring at their cell phones or iPads? While we would like to think that right here in Florida there are so many wonderful incentives to get kids playing outside in the fresh air, more children than ever before are spending too much time glued to their devices.
If you would like to see your kids spend a little more time away from their devices, and enjoying the real world, try some of these ideas for size.
Inspire them
Younger kids want to be just like their parents. Tell them stories about places that were special to you when you were a kid, and then take them there or show them somewhere similar so that they develop their own special relationship with their own environment. This could be a park, a beach or even just a few streets that you crossed every day on your walk to or from school.
Show them
Want them to go bodyboarding on the beach or kayaking through the Keys? If you want them to try loads of high-octane activities, while you simply sit by and watch them, they won’t buy into it. Lead by example, if you want them to try new and exciting things, try them first and show them that you are all in this together.
Trust them
One of the hardest things with slightly older children is trusting them to go out with their friends on their own and hope that they make good decisions when you are not there to protect them. This is a natural part of growing up, and you need to let them have their freedom. Educate them from an early age about boundaries, respect and potential dangers and they will be just fine.
Treat them
If they want to do something special for a birthday or treat, make it happen. So often as parents we are too busy, exhausted or just feeling the pinch financially that is easier to just say no and send them to their rooms instead. As often as you can, make a real effort to treat them to an outdoor activity that they really want to go to. It could be a sporting event, a special day out or even just a trip to the park – do it now, before you regret not doing it.
Entertain them
It doesn’t take much to get young children smiling and having fun. Whether you choose a picnic in the park, a walk on the beach or a make-shift puppet show in the back yard, if you show that you are interested in them and want to have fun with them, your efforts will be rewarded ten-fold.
Educate them
Got a project in school that has really sparked their interest? Don’t tell them to google it, take them out and show them instead. Museums, libraries and places of interest all have plenty of historical information that can relate directly to what they are learning at school. These days history is not all about stuffy museums filled with boring subjects, it’s all interactive, educational fun that they will enjoy, and you will feel good about.
Include them
Why not get everyone together for a family BBQ or neighborhood gathering? Invite all the kids of all ages, and their friends too, and let them feel part of something really special. It can be hard to keep kids engaged, especially if there are big age gaps, but simple, timeless activities like bounce houses or water slides are guaranteed to make kids of all ages smile.
Amaze them with inflatables from South Florida Bounce
Give us a call today to see how we can get your kids out of their bedrooms, away for their devices, and into the back yard or community space with our super awesome inflatables, waterslides, sports, and activities. Call us at 561.245.7100 to find out more.
For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce house or waterslide rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/
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