South Florida Bounce’s Birthdays on a Budget
As we all stride forward with another year in full swing, we may find ourselves a little shy in the bank account area. Don’t worry it happens to everyone from time to time. In most cases, you can suck it up, but when it comes to your child’s birthday you better get ready to drop some ‘Benjamins,’ right? Wrong! South Florida Bounce has some great tips on how to stay within your budget while throwing your child a great party. Copy and paste this blog to your forehead!
First, plan your child’s party carefully. What we mean by that is make a list of everything you can think of that is a priority for your family to have fun. Pinterest has checklists that are extremely helpful. Here’s one we found for you to spark ideas, you can print it and keep it with you in case your planning like a Ninja.
To stay within the budget, get creative. Tablecloths can easily be made with giant rolls of paper or hit up the dollar store. Don’t get the most expensive plates and plastic ware; they are most likely getting thrown out at the end anyways. A cute way to make dollar store plastic-ware more expensive is to line a small basket with a decorative napkin and place the forks and spoons in there. No one will guess you spent your money on dollar store silver.
Food can be kept to a minimum. You can always see if your friends will help if your money is super tight. However, Aldi and Winn Dixie always have phenomenal deals on party platters and things to make finger sandwiches. Again, using a little ingenuity never hurt anyone.
Instead of hiring a photographer, capture the event using your smartphone. With technology, today, no one will even know that you took amateur pictures. Use a selfie stick if you have one, make sure the phone is turned sideways on not up and down, and take the same picture multiple times. These things will help you stay focused.
Now that you’ve got the meat and potatoes out of the way so to speak, decorations are in order. Blow up a ton of balloons, get cheap streamers and go to town. Kids aren’t interested in this type of thing. But, you can make it look festive even with a couple of bucks.
Your most expensive items don’t have to be decorations, food or accouterments. Spend the big dollars on something that your child will love and remember. Let us know if we can make any suggestions and count on us for your best bounce house selection in South Florida.
For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about