Events You Can Plan on a Budget
Since the end of the school year is just around the corner, there will be plenty of activities planned for the spring and summer months. If you’ve been hired or appointed to prepare the next charitable event or fundraiser and are unsure of what you can do with a tight budget, we’re here to give you a few ideas.
Idea One: Use a crockpot to cook the dogs! Place a little water at the bottom of a crockpot and then add your fully-cooked hot dogs to help steam them. You don’t need to spend a ton of money if you get creative. However, if you do want to make your event more impressive, SFB offers a full line of fun food appliances to help you.
Idea Two: DIY Balloon Attractions can be found in places such as Pinterest and a ton of blogs online. You may want to rent a helium tank and stock up on additional streamers. However, making these decorations for any party is a ton of fun. Don’t forget to mix it up with the fundraiser’s or charity’s logo colors. Also, to create more interest use different size balloons.
Idea Three: Since you’ll be raising money for your charitable cause, raffle off some white elephant goods. No matter what the age the children and adults love a good ‘white elephant’ since they get to take something with them for their donation.
Idea Four: Don’t forget to capture the participant’s email address so you can follow up with a thank you giving the donors the total of money raised in a newsletter. The emails can help when it comes to planning future parties and fundraisers.
Idea Five: Get volunteers to help with clean-up tasks and other aspects of planning. Most people want to help when it comes to valid reasons. The best part is how often they enjoy when someone asks them to be part of the team.
Idea Six: Rather than hiring a celebrity to your event, bring in the pups! You can make a simple kissing booth where your dog is the star! Who doesn’t love to get a kiss from a dog? Be cautious when it comes to the animal. You want to make sure these puppies are docile and friendly. Best part if the canines don’t require a hefty salary!
These tips may help you when it comes to budgeting your fundraiser or charity. In the meantime, be sure to leave us a comment on what type of blog topics you’d like us to cover!
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