Tag Archives: waterslide rental palm beach county

Hot Tips for the Best Quinceanera

Your daughters Quinceanera is one of the biggest parties you’ll ever throw. From the dress to the entertainment, this is one of those times in your child’s life where you get to shine. The fiesta where a young girl becomes a woman is told in many cultures. If you’re from Latin roots, then you know this festival is called a quinceañera. In this week’s blog, we give you some hot tips on how to throw the best quinceañera.

  1. Decor and Color schemes are mostly pastels for the Little ladies. This year the hottest tip we can give you on decor and dress colors is peach and gold. While there are many gorgeous colors to choose, this seems to be the best for 2017 parties.


  1. Help your daughter with her guest list. Unless you have all the money in the world, don’t let your child announce her Quinceanera on places like Facebook. This is a big party where the parents have to be involved in the majority of the planning. Help your child by making a guest list with family and a separate column for friends.


  1. It’s all about the lighting when it comes to the decor. Glowing orbs, draping lights over a large dance floor and candles give just the right illumination for a festive evening that’s soft and pretty and super feminine.


  1. Selecting the right photographer is crucial. Your daughter’s event should be captured with someone who understands lighting as well as how to frame your princess. These pictures will last forever, so make sure you don’t miss the event.


  1. Don’t forget to remember the little ones. While this party is typically thought to be for young teenage girls, often the toddlers and the smaller children are left in the dust. Rent the best bounce house, and they’ll be out of everyone’s way for hours.


These are just a few tips on how to throw the best celebration for your daughter. We’re sure you want to make this event as special as possible since it only happens once in a lifetime for her.

And before you know it, she’ll be getting married, and you’ll get to do it all again.

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

8 Steps to Planning Your Child’s Bat Mitzvah

Many of the Bat Mitzvahs today are now being designed with extraordinary features and festivities. Although this is still respect for the young woman and more so, the religion there’s plenty of reasons to celebrate. We wanted to put together a few tips that should help you when planning your child’s to helping your daughter enjoy this milestone without you heading for the hills.

While the exact meaning mustn’t be misled, celebrating your child’s Bat Mitzvah can be both exciting as it can be nerve wrecking. With these quick tips, you can turn you daughter’s celebration into one she will never forget. Ready, set Mazal Tov!

  1. Challah bread Ceremony
  2. Lighting of the Shabbat Candles
  3. Prayer
  4. Set a meaningful activity such as volunteering to help someone in need.
  5. Your Daughters Speech
  6. Gifts
  7. Kosher Foods to be served
  8. The party

Since the making of the Challah is an important part of the ceremonies, plan your recipe ahead of time and don’t forget to take pictures as the first time your daughter is breaking bread as a woman. You can find plenty of recipes online or perhaps you have one handed down for generations, either way, help your little girl to know how special she is and how important carrying tradition is to her personal connection.

Lighting the candles are another part of this time for young girls to know the significance of the mitzvah. Check YouTube for the proper method of lighting the candles if you’re unsure.

Prayer is an obvious part of the preparations. Since women were the first to teach prayer, it’s important to continue to carry out the religious aspects and what daily prayer can mean.

Volunteering your services isn’t only a great trait to teach our young girls today, it’s also good to set the tone of reminding our daughters how important they are. But, by reaching out to others in need, it provides the lesson of grace and love.

Giving a speech is a part of the mitzvah, and your daughter may have a hard time if she’s shy. Help her out by assuring her you were the same and gave her confidence to accomplish this task.

Gifts to give at a Bat Mitzvah can vary but most common would be money and religious gifts. Don’t forget the rule of 18 which is very popular. Beautiful candlesticks make wonderful and suitable gifts, but they often come from the parents or grandparents.

We’ve seen a real variety of foods served at these types of celebrations. Of course, it’s good to have cake and pastries but keep in mind the rest of the food should be kosher.

The party can include beautiful decorations, inflatable rentals and lots of cool grab bags to pass out to guests. This is the part where you can become creative, and your guests will love it. More importantly, your daughter will remember this celebration for years to come.

Be sure to contact us for items you may need such as tables, chairs and of course an excellent bounce house rental!

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

Parent Teacher Fundraising the South Florida Bounce Way

It’s safe to guess that every school year can be filled with lots of fun and activities filling up the calendar. If you have the honor of serving on the board or committee that’s involved with planning events, then this blog is for you. We want to give you a plethora of tricks to store in your fundraising toolbox that will keep things bouncing as well as have the kids wanting more.

Fundraisers don’t just have to be carnivals. Although the school carnival or bazaars are some of the most memorable, they’re not the only sure fire to raise money. On the contrary to the memories, things like restaurant fundraisers, Family School Nights and Auctions have become more popular over the years. In other words, don’t box yourself into thinking there’s only one type of fundraiser. Visit places like Pinterest to get in depth ideas with all the details if you’re in a rut.

Next, if you’re raising money for a cause, be sure to have a dollar amount in mind and set this as the school’s goals. Keeping a mile mark in the front of the line can help lead the others to be motivated and wanting to attend.

Use Choice Boards as a way of getting your student body to be involved. Give them choices for committees to belong to, such as clean up committee, set up, facilitators, and student body council. This idea will not only help you to get things done, but it will also ensure kids will feel they are relevant to the cause.

If you’re looking for an easier method than throwing a big ole celebration, then consider doing a candy drive or some other sales event where the kids will raise foundation funds. Large enterprises such as See’s Candy and Krispy Kreme has excellent ways to build your teams dollars. You’ll, of course, must contact them directly for more details.

We love the idea of facilitating a Pancake Breakfast or a Family School Night. Of course, you can plan a Pancake Breakfast anytime of the day or night but most likely would be on a morning weekend. With Family School Night, you can expect a big screen movie showing along with popcorn sales and have the parents and kids wear pajamas! With nighttime attire, both parents and kids can jump into bed right after the film.

These are some of the less obvious ways to build a trust for your school or board. By thinking outside of the usual, you can learn a lot of ridiculous ideas. Of course, you can always call us for making your party spectacular!

Catch you next time!


For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

Teaching Kids Respect in 2017

It seems that today our children have acquired some advanced skills. Indeed, times have changed, and much of the technology we have now wasn’t available to us when we were younger. But, with all the smartphone and electronics in the world, not one device can teach a child to be respectful of others. While you may not have thought about how renting our interactive inflatables or bounce houses can teach kids how to be respectful, we’re here to point out the difference.

In fact, children can acquire new learned behavior while having fun in our many bounce houses, water slides, and carnival games. While we praise the parents, who rent any of our party favors, we give even more kudos to the folks who not only use these tools to have fun but to teach their kids how to engage with others by building team skills. Here are a few things to keep in mind while teaching your child how to be respectful even if it is 2017!

Call the kid out on their behavior if you notice that a child is disrespectful while standing in the line or during their activity. There’s no need to embarrass them in front of the other guests, but pull them aside and express how to handle the situation better and in a positive manner. If you only ignore the problem while they’re young, it will turn into a fiasco later.

Make sure the other parent, teachers or participants are in agreeance on how to handle the situation. Give the child the consequences, but also provide them with a plan of action and be sure to back one another on the decisions.

Teaching a child, the basic social interaction skills can be tough at times. While many of us may agree on that statement, it’s still important to teach them how to say “please” and “thank you.” This can teach children how to pay attention to others and not feel they are the most important thing on the planet. Disrespecting others is a form of bad manners that’s a reflection on how a child is raised.

Set realistic expectations and respect your child. You can’t teach a kid how to respect someone by being disrespectful to them. Give them realistic expectations by setting limits ahead of time. Make sure they understand these limitations early before things have an opportunity to escalate.

Learning how to help your kid cope with their emotions is not easy, but it can be one of the best lessons he or she will learn and use throughout life.

If you’re looking to rent any of our interactive sports, be sure to give us a call and find out which is best for your party or event. Until next time, Happy Bouncing to You!


For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

Last Minute Superbowl Party Preparations for 2017

As we all know Superbowl LI is soon to be underway with kickoff on February 5th. If you’re like many Americans who love their football, you’ve probably got your guests lined up, grocery list done and are heading into your last-minute details before the first touchdown is scored. If there will be kids at your party have you put your play by play strategy into place? We’ve got some in the ‘nick of time’ details you won’t want to miss that will turn your Superbowl Party into a Super fun party no matter what age range is present! 24, 36, Hut!!!

While we all know, Superbowl parties can be a hoot if you enjoy watching hours of pigskin getting kicked across the field. However, kids can be a handful during these games, and they aren’t always the center of attention while watching the half-time show. We have a solution for you, and it’s not too late to take advantage.

Just in time for the game, you can count on South Florida Bounce to bring you some ‘kid entertainment’ that can keep them pre-occupied while adults yell at their favorite quarterbacks. Waterslide and our Rock Climbing Wall are all standards for children’s parties but don’t forget we have some other cool games where the little ones can feel they’re part of the event.

Games like our Football Challenge and the Human Demolition Ball can make even the dullest of parties come to life. While the parents are indoors watching the big competition and America’s favorite past time, your sons and daughters can be enjoying the fun right in your backyard.

Got a kid that’s in Little League Football? Help them improve their skills the same day as the game. Any of our interactive games can teach the players to be a part of a team and make quick decisions in addition to using motor skills.

While we don’t suggest allowing the kids to be unattended, we do agree that this is one excellent idea that will keep your offense and defensive little leaguers in check. Furthermore, your thoughtfulness toward making sure EVERYONE has a good time will most likely get you a trophy as Most Valuable Parent!

Contact us today for the best selection of Bounce Houses, Waterslides and Interactive Sports.


For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

South Florida Bounce’s Birthdays on a Budget

As we all stride forward with another year in full swing, we may find ourselves a little shy in the bank account area. Don’t worry it happens to everyone from time to time. In most cases, you can suck it up, but when it comes to your child’s birthday you better get ready to drop some ‘Benjamins,’ right? Wrong! South Florida Bounce has some great tips on how to stay within your budget while throwing your child a great party. Copy and paste this blog to your forehead!

First, plan your child’s party carefully. What we mean by that is make a list of everything you can think of that is a priority for your family to have fun. Pinterest has checklists that are extremely helpful. Here’s one we found for you to spark ideas, you can print it and keep it with you in case your planning like a Ninja.


To stay within the budget, get creative. Tablecloths can easily be made with giant rolls of paper or hit up the dollar store. Don’t get the most expensive plates and plastic ware; they are most likely getting thrown out at the end anyways. A cute way to make dollar store plastic-ware more expensive is to line a small basket with a decorative napkin and place the forks and spoons in there. No one will guess you spent your money on dollar store silver.

Food can be kept to a minimum. You can always see if your friends will help if your money is super tight. However, Aldi and Winn Dixie always have phenomenal deals on party platters and things to make finger sandwiches. Again, using a little ingenuity never hurt anyone.

Instead of hiring a photographer, capture the event using your smartphone. With technology, today, no one will even know that you took amateur pictures. Use a selfie stick if you have one, make sure the phone is turned sideways on not up and down, and take the same picture multiple times. These things will help you stay focused.

Now that you’ve got the meat and potatoes out of the way so to speak, decorations are in order. Blow up a ton of balloons, get cheap streamers and go to town. Kids aren’t interested in this type of thing. But, you can make it look festive even with a couple of bucks.

Your most expensive items don’t have to be decorations, food or accouterments. Spend the big dollars on something that your child will love and remember. Let us know if we can make any suggestions and count on us for your best bounce house selection in South Florida.

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

Best Websites for Kids

There are plenty of sites out there for children today. When your kids are not in your care, or you don’t can see what they’re looking at, you can make recommendations and put blocks on apps as well as the other site your children may be visiting. While using, your parental controls is important, giving your kids some guidance may be a way to give them freedom without stressing on what they’re seeing. We have a few websites that might be good for your kids to check out, that won’t leave you scrambling for the delete button!
Nick.com is a great site and super entertaining for kids of all ages. There’s plenty of games and cartoons for your children to stay occupied. Spongebob, The Thundermans, and Loud House are just a few of the cute programs that are created for young people. Make sure you check it out before the settings for things like Apps for kids to buy. You don’t want to ring up your credit card by mistake.
Disney.com is another great site but seems as if this website caters more to little girls more than boys. You’ll find an excellent selection of both online and video games your child can access right away. In comparison to the Nickelodeon site, this website also carries unusual items for parents as well. Take a gander and download one of the many games like the Kim Possible Sticker Sitch, it’s a hoot with great illustration and tons of entertainment for your child.
If your son or daughter would like to learn about current events in a safe way, such as kid inventors or young girls who marched in the Woman’s March, then be sure to visit www.timeforkids.com. This site will give your children great topics for writing school papers, and it will also keep them in the know when it comes to what’s happening around the country. Even if they live in South Florida, many kids these days have a thirst for knowledge outside of their backyard.
A great site that will allow your child to become a little astronaut is nasa.gov. Once you’re on the site, you can have them join the NASA Kid’s Club to learn about a plethora of things that are totally spacey! What a great way to learn about other planets and what happens on the moon! Again, another terrific site that’s built for any kid who wants educational topics that are interactive.
While these are just a few of the places for your children, it’s always expected that you will check them out yourself. We think you’ll give them your parent-approval.
If you’re planning your child’s birthday party or some other event, we’ve got the best selection of bounce houses in South Florida. See for yourself and call us for your next reservation.


For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

Why Kids Need to Be Competitive

Many people today would argue that competition and children don’t belong on the same page. Even in little league children are taught not to heckle the other players while on the field. In some cases kids, have been awarded trophies even when they didn’t win teaching children to compete is no necessary at all. In this week’s blog, we point out some positive aspects of fighting to win that might make you think twice before signing your child up for the next sport.

Healthy competition helps children during their development for a multitude of benefits. They will be faced with people in their careers who will always challenge them. By learning the right ways to compete early on, they are at the advantage when they become adults. In addition to that statement, they become accustomed to winning and losing and can systematically concur either a win or loss.

Working hard at something and sticking with it is a valuable lesson in life. Learning skills both motor and through cognition gives kids the advantage as they become stronger both mentally and physically. Social skills are enhanced as they learn how to develop and interact with other children competing for the same things.

Children who learn how to compete in a wholesome way also learn how to problem solve; they build self-esteem and more efficient throughout their lives.

Working in groups is something your son or daughter will most likely encounter at some point in their lives. By allowing your kids to participate in games and sports, they are learning practical ways to react to competitive situations that will allow them life skills.

The words effective competition gives a pretty good description that creates an atmosphere of where kids want to participate, and that’s also good for parents too.

Healthy competing takes place with the adults first. Don’t stress out before a big game. Rather talk with them about thinking positively. Speak to them about their accolades and accomplishments. The focus should be on what they’ve achieved individually as well as with their team. Ask them what they would have done differently, and speak with them about the other players and how they grew from winning or losing.

By taking yourself out of the competition and teaching your kids, the positive side to competing will help you both change the perspective on his or her performance.

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at: https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at:
https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and

Teaching Kids to Be Competitive in a Healthy Way

One single aspect of being a parent is to raise our children to become successful in life. We should teach them things like how to be competitive. However, learning to compete in a healthy way is far more fun and a lesson they’ll carry for the rest of their lives. Here are a few tips you can take from the parents at South Florida Bounce to teach them how to be competitive without becoming a bully.

Give your child recognition for their strengths. Most of what our children learn come from their home environments. Boys and girls of all ages are always seeking approval from their parents. It’s not a difficult thing to do telling them when they have done something well. Rather than focusing on your kid’s weaknesses, concentrate on their strengths. Focusing on your son or daughter’s strengths helps to build their self-esteem, and they won’t have a desire to belittle other children.

Next, find sports and activities they are good at and then motivate them to stick with it. When you find an activity like soccer or dancing and your child has natural talent, drive them to build on that skill and watch them flourish. Don’t make your child stay with something if he or she is unhappy. Forcing a kid to do something will only discourage them, and they might take it out on someone else.

Competing with others is an important lesson to learn. Kids need to learn how to stand up for themselves. They need to hone in on how to take an idea and complete all the tasks to make them believe in what they can do. Teach your kids to work through their challenges and problem solve their way to a more desirable result.

Involve your children in group activities. Parties, little league, ballet, etc., are all activities where your kids can gain new skills and learn to share winning and losing. These types of life events can enhance your children to understand equality of one another, and that’s something we could use today.

Failing is a part of the process. You probably will be uncomfortable with this more than little Bobby or Jenny. However, if you get them to comprehend failing teaches us all how to improve and become better at something, they may look at life differently.

Of course, we don’t have all the answers, but with these important tips, you can help you son or daughter compete in a healthy way learning about…well, life!

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about

Best Kid-Friendly Apps for 2017

Take a look at the Google Store or iTunes, and you’ll soon realize there’s an app for just about anything. You’ll certainly never run out of apps to select when it comes to parents and adults. But, for 2017 we found some of the best ‘kid-friendly’ apps for your child to enjoy.

The Toca Life Vacation App is available for iPad, iPhone and Android devices. What’s cute about this interactive game is it allows your child to take a vacation and travel to different destinations and includes plenty of touch screen activity such as changing clothing, emptying luggage and a ton of other fun stuff. This app isn’t free but can be purchased for a flat fee. This one is super cute and guaranteed to keep kids entertained for hours.

Duck, Duck, Moose has plenty of learning apps that allow kids to interact with puzzles for everything from learning new vocabulary to games like “PuzzlePop.” These types of games are fantastic for hand to eye coordination as well as memory skills. Just about any of their apps are sure to be a winner for your son or daughter.

Who doesn’t love Angry Birds? We just think the little piggies and all the fun graphics are a hoot! Again, these types of games promote hand to eye coordination as well as memory and depth of perception if you want to get technical. All we know is both kids, and grown-ups love this app!

This app is a little on the steep side as far as price goes, but it’s a great one for teaching kids their multiplication tables in fun and easy to learn menu. If you’re son or daughter is having a difficult time remembering their time’s tables then this app might help as it’s rap for kids that’s friendly and clean. The music helps them learn through a different channel of their cognition.

PBS Kids app is another learning tool that allows your child to brush up on skills like spelling and even science. There are mixed reviews that had to do with upgrading that seem to have been fixed now, and the app is FREE, so it’s worth a try.

Bounce House Arrow is another great game where the kids have to bounce a ball to a victory line. Not as much fun as renting one of our monster bounce houses or waterslides. But hey, it’s still a good time for kids of all ages when they’re bored.

These are a few of the best apps we could recommend for 2017. Let us know what apps your kids love by leaving us a comment.

For More Information on our rental equipment or to reserve your bounce rental today, visit our website at https://www.southfloridabounce.com/. Connect with us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaBounce, https://twitter.com/SBounce, and https://plus.google.com/102602010368213075186/about