The Strip Vertical Photo Booth – The innovative new Strip Wall Photo Booth is a complete new concept in the photo booth industry. It demonstrates a simulated film strip using (4) LCD monitor screens in a vertical position, and along with touch screen operation makes The Strip Wall a “state of the art” piece designed for special events with great features to capture the very best moments ! ? (4) Impressive Video Monitors Demands Attention! Fast Print Speed Of Just 16 Seconds Per Strip ! With the The Strip Photobooth, you can customize the booth to customers needs by offering them a special Welcome Screen, Good Bye Screen, “Mini Text” on side of strips, Customized Music or Frames, and a 4th Frame Custom Logo or Message. Users can choose their photos from 6 popular options: Black & White Strips, Full Color Strips, Funny Frames Wigs and Hair Styles, New Hats and Street Art selections. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO ABOVE! Staring at $695